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Training School on “Potential of monitoring tools and advanced operation and maintenance practice for security and predictability of PV performance”
March 8, 2022 @ 09:00 - March 11, 2022 @ 23:59
PEARL PV’s Training School on the Potential of monitoring tools and advanced operation and maintenance practice for security and predictability of PV performance
took place at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, from 08 to 11 March 2022. The intention was to discuss how the analysis of data on actual long-term monitored performance, defects and failures in photovoltaic (PV) systems allows to quantitatively determine the absolute effects of nominal component characteristics, key system design, installation, operation, maintenance practices on efficiency, reliability and durability of solar PV energy systems as well as their forecasting. The discussion also included the use of various (including future) products which will enable PV system owners (residential and utility-scale) to control the quality of their PV systems. In 3.5 days of expert lectures, exercises and excursions, trainees gained an understanding of the potential of monitoring tools and advanced operation and maintenance practice for security and predictability of PV performance. The participants learnt about monitoring tools, defects and failures in PV systems and maintenance practice from PEARL PV Working Group members and external experts.
Training School Schedule: Please see here for the final schedule of this Training School: PEARL Training School4_Twente 2022_Schedule of Events 07032022
All presentations of the Training School can be downloaded here: AllPresentationsPEARLPVTrainingSchoolMarch2022
Participants: PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, R&D personnel. Please note that the Training School will be offered to 40 participants at a maximum. Preference will be given to participants from COST Member Inclusiveness Target Countries (see https://www.cost.eu/who-we-are/members/ for information on ITCs).
Venue: The training school will take place at the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands. Travel information and maps can be accessed here: Contact | Route & campus map | Home (EN) (utwente.nl) Information about public transport in the Netherlands, such as bus and train schedules, can be accessed by this website: https://9292.nl/. While the dates of the Training School will be approaching, details about the specific meeting space at University of Twente as well as routing on campus will be provided here: Training School – Route17022022.
Important note on COVID-19: At present, the Training School has been categorized as an educational activity, for which reason it will be held as a physical gathering with online access, that is to say as a so-called hybrid-physical event. According to the recent announcement by the Government of the Netherlands about the covid-19 regulations, on Friday 25 February many requirements will be lifted. For the full message, which covers many topics please visit this website: 3 steps to reopen the Netherlands | News item | Government.nl Coronavirus measures in brief are all available in English: Coronavirus measures in brief | Coronavirus COVID-19 | Government.nl
Furthermore the situation regarding COVID-19 in the Netherlands is reported on a daily basis on this website: Coronavirus Dashboard | COVID-19 | Government.nl
Official invitation required: As usual, but in particular, in this period with COVID-19, this COST event can only be attended by means of an official invitation from the Grant Holder of this Action. Trainees appointed by a Dutch organization who register after 31 January 2022, should contact Ms. Bianca Dibbelink at b.j.dibbelink@utwente.nl for late registration. Due to limited seats during the Training School, your participation should be officially confirmed by her by email.
Important notice: Due to a recent change of the COST Regulations for Local Organizers of meetings and events, the Local Organizer must offer lunches and dinners on the basis of the Daily Allowance which registered participants will receive, meaning that participants will be kindly asked to purchase their own lunches and dinners.
Accommodation information
Recommended hotels on or near UT’s campus are U ParkHotel, or De Broeierd. For UParkHotel it is recommended to mention that you attend this Training School in order to get access to a limited block of rooms. If you prefer to stay in the City of Enschede, then InterCityHotel Enschede or The Residence are great options in the vicinity of public transport. There’s also plenty other accommodations in Enschede and/or Hengelo (OV). You can easily find and book your hotel through Booking.com
Contact persons regarding the content of the Training School:
Training School Manager: Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Krstic-Furundzic at akrstic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Training School Manager: Dr. Cedric Caruana at cedric.caruana@um.edu.mt
Local organizers:
Ms. Saskia Groenendijk / University of Twente at s.m.groenendijk@utwente.nl
Dr. Eli Shirazi / University of Twente at e.shirazi@utwente.nl
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Van Sark/ University of Utrecht, Copernicus Institute at w.g.j.h.m.vansark@uu.nl
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Kettle / University of Glasgow, at jeff.kettle@glasgow.ac.uk
Prof. Dr. Angele Reinders / University of Twente at a.h.m.e.reinders@utwente.nl
Grant Holder of this Action:
Peter Jansen / University of Twente at p.jansen@utwente.nl.
The application procedure for external Trainees closed on 31 January 2022, see below for more information.
Registration procedure for external Trainees:
Application opens: 20.12.2021
Application closes: 31.01.2022
Application: Each applicant should send an email to David Moser (the Training School Selection Chair) at david.moser@eurac.edu with the following documents:
- A cover letter briefly (max 1 page) introducing the applicant name and affiliation, previous PV projects, involvement in activities relevant to the PEARL-PV project, motivation and benefits for Training School participation, possibility to disseminate Training School topics through education or awareness sessions within their own institute or countries.
- The applicant’s CV (max 2 pages) including relevant publications.
AND to register in e-COST https://e-services.cost.eu. This registration comprises setting up his/her e-COST profile and adding his/her bank details.
Selection procedure of trainees: The Training School applications will be considered by a committee of PEARL PV Core Group members. The outcome of the evaluation will be notified by the Training School Manager. Thereafter the trainees will be officially invited to participate by a message sent by e-COST.
Announcement of the selected trainees and their reimbursement: 20.01.2022
Official invitations by e-COST to participate in the Training School can be expected in the first two weeks of February 2022
The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Motivation of the applicant to participate to Training School, Weight 40 %
- Plan to disseminate Training School topics, Weight 40 %
- Quality of PV projects / experience, involvement in PEARL PV activities, Weight 20 %
Only applicants who have registered in e-COST, including their bank details and who have submitted their CV and cover letter will be permitted to take part in the selection procedure. Regarding eligibility of trainees to receive reimbursement, please carefully read the specific rules and regulations shown below.
Registration costs: Free of charge; the Training School Management will therefore apply a selection procedure of trainees.
Other costs: Travel, accommodation and insurances. Other costs apart from registration costs have to be paid by the trainee him/herself.
Reimbursement: 20 trainees from the total number of accepted applicants will be eligible to receive a reimbursement of 500 Euro per trainee. Note that trainees are only eligible for reimbursement if they have received (and accepted) the official invitation through e-COST (to be expected in February 2022).
Specific rules and regulations regarding Training Schools of a COST Action:
1) Trainees are entitled to receive a fixed grant as described in the COST Vademecum
2) Trainee Grants do not necessarily cover all expenses related to attending the Training School. The Trainee Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the Grantee. Different Grants amount can be attributed to each trainee.
3) Each trainee must register for an e-COST profile at https://e-services.cost.eu – each trainee must add their bank details to their e-COST profile.
4) Trainees eligible to be reimbursed:
Trainees must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.
Trainees eligible for reimbursement:
1) Trainees from COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Member, see here http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/cost_member_states
2) Trainees from Approved NNC Institutions.
3) Trainees from Approved European RTD Organisations.
Trainees not eligible to be reimbursed:
1) Trainees from COST Partner Members.
2) Trainees from Approved IPC Institutions.
3) Trainees from Approved IO, EU Commission, Bodies, Offices and Agencies.
4) Other Trainees not specifically mentioned as being eligible.