The third Training School “Simulation tools and models for the analysis of PV system performance” organized by EU COST Action PEARL PV, has been completed in collaboration with Transilvania University of Braşov, on the 6th of July 2021. This 4-day Training School was one of the successful hybrid events of Pearl PV with both online and live platforms and attracted 23 Trainees. The Trainees who preferred to attend the Training School in person stayed at the Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania.
Throughout the Training School, the role of modeling and simulation in assessing and monitoring PV system performance, energy harvesting, degradation, fault detection and floating PV systems was demonstrated. Also, some powerful tools like, PVLIB, and LightTools for modeling and simulating solar PV systems were studied.
Specifically the Training School focussed on simulation tools and models to investigate the design of PV systems, predict their output and assess their performance in operation. Moreover the program addressed current software developments and modelling principles and approaches for PV system analysis, including system optimisation, performance prediction and fault and loss identification.
This hybrid Training School had attendees, including researchers and students, who had the opportunity to learn about simulation and modeling of different solar PV systems from PEARL PV Working Group members and external experts through multiple scientific lectures. A study tour and a site visit were offered to the attendees who participated in person and all Trainees received a certificate of attendance at the end of the course.
The following organizers have been the driving force behind this interesting Training School: Local organizer, dr. Bogdan Burduhos, Training School Managers: Prof. dr. Aleksandra Krstić-Furundžić and dr. Cedric Caruana, and Chair of PV Simulation Working Group (WG3): Prof. Dr. Nicola Pearsall. They are all warmheartedly thanked.
The program and presentations of this Training School can be downloaded from this webpage: Training School on “Simulation tools and models for the analysis of PV system performance” – PEARL PV (
PEARL PV is a networking science Action funded by the COST Programme of HORIZON 2020 and HORIZON Europe with the aim to improve the energy performance and reliability of PV solar energy systems in Europe leading to lower costs of electricity produced by PV systems by a higher energy yield, a longer lifetime and a reduction in the perceived risk in investments in PV projects. For further developments, activities, and results of the ongoing work of the PEARL PV network, you may access or follow PEARL PV on LinkedIn and Twitter.